Education is not Essential

That’s it. That’s what I want to say: education is NOT essential. It’s just not. And the fact that schools are being told to operate this year is just a sign that our country is BROKEN. I propose that this year should just be a gap year nation wide.

BUT! I hear you say. Ok. Let’s address some of those issues. First, teachers, students, administrators, custodians, and classified personnel are not day care, shouldn’t BE daycare, and are absolutely NOT test subjects. By forcing them to work, you are forcing them to expose themselves to a virus that we NO NOTHING ABOUT. You are forcing them to test out procedures and spread and you know what, that is not their job. Do parents need daycare of some kind? You bet, if they are forced to go into work. This is where our government has failed us completely. Everyone should be paid to stay home. Everyone. The only people who should be working are the ESSENTIAL workers. People who provide food and medical care. That’s it. Restaurants? Non-essential. Beauty shops? Nope. Every other country that actually slowed the curve paid their residents. Not once, but MONTHLY.

And you know who else isn’t a test subject for this disease? Children.

The fact is, and I speak as a teacher AND a parent here, online learning is inherently inequitable. There is no way to reach every student and there is no way to ensure that the quality of education is the same across the board. Some homes don’t have internet access. This is true in high-poverty areas as well as rural areas. Many homes don’t have computers. A LOT of homes in those areas also don’t have parents who have the time to ensure their kids are doing the work. Why? Because those parents are also deemed essential workers. A large portion of nurses, custodians, food harvesters are people who live in those areas. They have to go to work. Who’s making sure those kids are logging on everyday? Who’s to say they CAN? There are kids in affluent areas who face that issue as well. This is a problem across the board. In addition to the kids, teachers are facing an inequality of education preparing them for teaching online. This has been a rushed process and there is no way to ensure the quality of the education given in a virtual format. Online learning is inequitable.

Now, there are families who rely on schools for food and certain mental health services. First off, this is messed up that that’s where the help is coming from. It should be coming from the government, but our government is broken. So, for kids who need those services, there is no rule that says you cannot fund schools just enough for those services to be offered. Curb-side pick up of breakfasts and lunches for students who need them while the school is closed. Pay school psychologists to continue their work. If the only people on campus are there for an appointment, that cuts the chance of infection way down.  Those services can absolutely still be provided.

And now, the trauma aspect. I am not an expert in trauma, but I would think that sending a five year old to kindergarten where their teacher is wearing a mask and a face shield and isn’t allowed to get closer than 6 feet to them is also traumatic. Young kids cannot be expected to wear face masks for hours at a time; it’s just not reasonable. Moving on to teenagers, how many do you think are hiding behind portable classrooms taking their masks off because they know better? I bet there are a lot. There are going to be infections. Now, let’s say a teenager is going to school. They test positive and then give it to their parents. One parent dies. How traumatic is THAT for that kid? Kids are going to be bringing home this virus and at times leading to people’s DEATHS. I am not ok with that. What about the teachers who infect  students? It goes both ways.  Is it HARD to stay home and have little interaction with other kids? You betcha. But I think it’s an easier trauma to over-come than the alternatives.

And now the missed education. Look, the kids will be fine. They just ALL skip this year, and next year start again. that’s it. Keep kids in school until their 19 for this group. A gap is not going to adversely affect kids in any lasting way. They will be FINE. This pressure to learn everything is killing people. It’s literally killing people. Slow down, take a breath, and think for a moment.  What is the important thing right now? Learning math, or not spreading a very dangerous and unknown virus? This is not an ordinary time. It is extra-ordinary. It calls for serious deviations from what is known. And it’s scary! Living right now is traumatic all on it’s own!

Anyway, write letters. Call representatives. Protest. I think there should be people flooding the streets in protest of schools being forced to operate. Alas, I fear my opinion isn’t the loudest and this will get much worse before it gets better.

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